US election: Donald Trump declared WINNER

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Controversial Trump is leading in ‘the key swing states’ that will decide who wins the election into the White House, the report said.

 The full presidential result figure

Trump won in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina, as Hillary Clinton cleared Virginia, ABC projects. “Pennsylvania is too close to call,” BBC said, adding that the race is deadlocked in Michigan, which has not voted for a Republican White House candidate since 1988.

Mr Trump also won Ohio and this was described as a boost for him. “He also won Iowa, which last voted for a Republican in 2004,” the report said. Trump also won in the Midwest and South while Mrs Clinton swept the Northeast, ABC News projects.

The negative impact of Trump leading is that the US dollar and the Mexican peso fell while the Dow futures dropped more than 650 points, according to the report.

The BBC says Trump won in Utah, Alabama, Kentucky, South Carolina, Nebraska, Indiana, West Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Texas, ABC projects. The forecast is that he will win Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho and Wyoming – all solidly conservative states. On her part, Clinton won the Democratic heartlands of California, Oregon, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Delaware, Illinois, Rhode Island, Hawaii, Washington and District of Columbia, and New Mexico and Colorado.

Results from the US presidential election by states

The report says a candidate must secure 270 of the 538 electoral college votes to be declared winner. Meanwhile, the Financial Times is reporting that: “Trump’s gains led to sharp swings in financial markets. The Mexican peso — seen as the prime gauge of the candidate’s fortunes — tumbled over 13 per cent, its biggest drop since the country’s 1994-1995 devaluation crisis to a record low of 20.7 to the dollar. “The dollar fell 3 per cent against the yen and 2.1 per cent against the euro. S&P 500 futures were down 5 per cent and gold was up 4.1 per cent. Investors marked the odds of a December rate rise down from 84 per cent to below 50 per cent.”
