God intended sexual intimacy to mold a man and a woman physically,
emotionally, and spiritually into “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Seeking a
“one-flesh relationship” outside of a long-term, committed relationship
is like a long-distance runner substituting performance-enhancing
drugs for discipline and training or a graduate student hiring someone
to write his/her master’s thesis.
emotionally, and spiritually into “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Seeking a
“one-flesh relationship” outside of a long-term, committed relationship
is like a long-distance runner substituting performance-enhancing
drugs for discipline and training or a graduate student hiring someone
to write his/her master’s thesis.
Because we are not just animals, the human value of sexual experience
is derived mostly from spiritual and emotional intimacy. Casual sexual
experiences actually make it harder for people to yoke genuine intimacy
with sexual arousal. This is why ordinary married people usually have a
more deeply satisfying and long-lasting relationship than promiscuous
celebrities who look spectacularly attractive and desirable.
is derived mostly from spiritual and emotional intimacy. Casual sexual
experiences actually make it harder for people to yoke genuine intimacy
with sexual arousal. This is why ordinary married people usually have a
more deeply satisfying and long-lasting relationship than promiscuous
celebrities who look spectacularly attractive and desirable.
We have fallen far from God’s plan for sexual intimacy. Contraception
now allows the wholesale separation of sex from conception, birthing,
parenting, and family bonding. Cultural changes have also identified
pornography, promiscuity, and sexual relativism with sexual liberation.
Consequently, we see unprecedented rates of divorce, family instability,
and social problems.
now allows the wholesale separation of sex from conception, birthing,
parenting, and family bonding. Cultural changes have also identified
pornography, promiscuity, and sexual relativism with sexual liberation.
Consequently, we see unprecedented rates of divorce, family instability,
and social problems.
Rather than experimenting with sexual experiences that scar and
break hearts, Christians—whether single or married—should focus
on establishing and nurturing genuine friendship and intimacy, the
kind that will stand them in good stead for a lifetime.
break hearts, Christians—whether single or married—should focus
on establishing and nurturing genuine friendship and intimacy, the
kind that will stand them in good stead for a lifetime.
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