5 Types Of Exes You Have No Business Being Friends With

5 Types Of Exes You Have No Business Being Friends With. Zumi.ng0
Can you be friends with an ex? That’s a question many people ask and there isn’t really an absolute answer. It all depends on a number of things. But whatever you do, do not be friends with the following types of exes.
1. The abusive ex
He spent the whole relationship being rude, controlling, pushing you around and even hitting you. What kind of friendship are you hoping for here exactly? This is one of those types of exes that will want to keep controlling your life in one way or another. You have no business keeping him around after you were lucky enough to escape in the first place.
2. The addicted ex
Did you break up because he has an addiction – maybe to drugs and/or alcohol? Well, the best thing you can do is maintain your distance or else he will continue to suck you into all that drama. Now is the time to take a breath of fresh air and that can only happen if you stay away. Let him deal with his own issues.
5 Types Of Exes You Have No Business Being Friends With Zumi.ng
3. The bitter ex
Most breakups aren’t mutual. You may have your reasons for ending things but he may not be understanding. And sometimes, this can lead to bitterness on his part and trying to be friends will only make things worse. He will very likely hold on to a lot of animosities and will attack you every chance he gets. Give him some space.
4. The ex you still love
Of the types of exes to avoid, this one is the most important. If you’re still in love with him and you’re hoping to worm your way back into his life through friendship, this hardly ends well. Also, you will possibly be left heartbroken if he accepts your friendship but moves on with someone else. So the best thing you can do when you have feelings for an ex is to stay away and let all that love fade.
5 Types Of Exes You Have No Business Being Friends With Zumi.ng
5. The recent ex
You have no reason trying to explore a friendship with someone you only just broke up with. The truth is, you can’t just take one step from lovers to friends. The both of you need time apart to deal with the breakup before even considering trying for friendship.

