5 Important Things To Do Before You Go Out On A Date

5 Important Things To Do Before You Go Out On A Date

sex on the first date
So you have a date and you’re excitedly looking forward to it. Well don’t just head out, there are a few things to do before you go out on a date and they are all very necessary. The impression you make matters a lot and we want to make sure you always make the right impression.
Here are 5 important things to do before you go out on a date
things to do before you go out on a date
(Photo: Healthline)
1. Clean up
Get all the sweat off, take a bath and shave if you need to. Make sure you’re properly made up and you smell really good. Looking your best will impress your date, but it will also make you feel confident and comfortable.
2. Relax
Listen to some music just before you step out, or take a glass of wine. Most dates come with a bit of anxiety and you’d be better off if you get rid of the nerves before your date. So take a few deep breaths and try to relax. It’s not a job interview, you’re supposed to have fun.
things to do before you go out on a date
(Photo: Drinks NG)
3. Do a brief but thorough background check
If you have some time to kill after dressing up and all, go online and check him out. Yes, we said so. Checking a guy out to see who he is and what he’s like is not stalking, it’s research. The more you know about his life online, the easier your date will be. And you can even decide if you don’t like him and cancel.
4. Carefully pick out a dress
Your dress says a lot, it can tell people if you’re confident, dowdy or scared of your own shadow. You want to pick out a dress that’s sexy but not slutty (unless you’re specifically going for slutty). So carefully pick out something that’ll make him go wow.
things to do before you go out on a date
(Photo: Instagram/Nhlanhla_nciza)
5. Hold vex money
Don’t worry so much about who will be paying for what on a date, it’s time to get to know each other. Ideally, if he asks you out he should pay for the date, but just in case he doesn’t, pay your way and have fun. However, if your date turns out to be a jerk, you’ll need to have some extra cash on you. It’s called “vex money” and for good reason.
So have fun, enjoy yourself and make sure you avoid these first date mistakes at all cost.

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